Saturday, February 23, 2013

The tree of life.....or something close...

SMocK Party
Theme:  Trees

In the middle of January a friend decided to have a SMocK party just for the fun of it!  It was a splendid idea to help ward off the winter blues and just do something different on a weekend.  There were about eight friends who gathered in the basement, drinking wine, eating appetizers and gossiping about who did what.  OH! and they did a little bit of painting!

The theme was trees and every SMocKer used their own abilities and infused their own character into their interpretation of a tree.  It was really awesome to see everyone's personalities come through in the branches of a tree!

What is really interesting is capturing the progress of each SMocKer.  The featured SMocKer started off incredibly hesitant, with the "I can't paint a tree" attitude.  As the evening progressed, she was the only one who really became invested in the process.  You didn't hear a peep.  All along, she was 'playing' around with the paint and even flipped her canvas over.

There were two techniques that I demonstrated.  The most popular was applying a background was of color, to simulate a sky and then adding the shadowy tree.  The most challenging part of painting a tree was controlling the brush to achieve those tiny branches at the end of a limb.  I termed the technique "twiddling" the brush.

In the end, a tree is a tree is a tree is a tree.  
Beautiful and unique.

Check out all SMocKers paintings and party photos a
our Facebook page: 

xoxo, SMocK you.